Лекции SDM 2024

14:00 - 18:00, 27 сеп (петък), 2024
Стая: Millennium

"Запазване и развитие на интерденталната папила при имплантологична терапия при различни клинични сценарии"

Д-р Андреа Чиерико

Developing and preserving interdental papilla is a much needed requirement when providing implants to patients especially in the aesthetic zone. It is very much an art and yet to be successful, one needs to understand the science behind the procedures involved. In this lecture I will endeavor to provide both the science and the steps to take to ensure predictable results in various clinical scenarios.during
Flap designs will discussed to optimize bone regeneration as well gingival augmentation procedures.
During the lecture will be stressed like three dimensional connective tissue grafting is the most reliable technique to obtain the best ideal soft tissue profile creating the condition for a long term stability of the gingival margin.

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